Light vs Darkness

Scripture Reading - John 1: 4 NKJV

In Him was life; and the light of men.

And - 1 John 1:7 NKJV

But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the Blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.

In our everyday life we have plenty of opportunities to walk in darkness. We (ihlcc) mean on a daily basis everyone is presented with choices, decisions on whether to choose light or continue to stumble around in darkness. Notice I said we have the choice, to be single minded and walk in The Light or remain double minded and stay in the dark. The sad truth is only those Children of Light who understand the Holy Word of God even know they are making a conscious choice. Since we don’t create darkness and mistakes are a by-product of darkness we cannot create mistakes. All saints are children of the Light so we can create (choose) light to overcome all darkness. We don’t intentionally make problems for ourselves and others, but we do however sometimes have an error in good judgement that will be corrected when a better decision is identified when the spot light of God’s Word is shined upon it. We all have had some experience stumbling around in the dark. Sometimes we knew on the inside something was wrong and at other times we didn’t even realize we made the wrong choice for this reason we rely upon God’s continuous help. Picture this; let’s relive a thunder storm. There is lots of thunder and lightening and your power goes out so you loose all electricity. At that moment you know you are very limited on what you can do. Typically those who are in darkness have less options than those who walk in The Light. Well the same goes as we are living our life. We have allowed ourselves to be frustrated and complacent with our walk with the Lord, so guess what, we have a shadow of darkness over us. In this shadow we are incapable of making good decisions because we are under the smog of darkness. The thicker the darkness you are in the less the options you will see. You just find yourselves in confusion and turmoil not knowing which way to go. Well, we know the person in physical darkness thinks, “Oh great, now what should I do?” Well, your mind begins to think where did I put my flashlight, so I don’t continue to stumble around in the dark (Hint: You should always know exactly where your light is in the house physically. Likewise the Word of God is always the first place to start looking spiritually). Ok you hit the leg of the chair, bumped the door to get the spot where you think you put your flashlight. Now you have your flashlight located and then you realize that the batteries you put in them are dead, so now you have another problem, “Do I have any spare batteries?” Just as you found the light (flashlight) we are to keep the Light of His Word burning brightly in our heart and be ready to aim and shoot His Word out of our mouth at a moments notice. Speaking to yourself in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs making melody in your heart recharges your spiritual batteries. Also, speaking in other tongues on a regular basis will energize your spiritual battery. Stir up the gift of God (Holy Spirit) that is within you because He was sent unto you for such a time as this. It is good to know that in this world God didn’t leave us powerless. He has given us the very tools and keys to be successful (walking in the Light) so that we don’t have to walk around in this life frustrated, powerless and defeated by abiding in darkness. All of these items just named are a by-product of darkness that are easily overcome by The Light of God’s Word and Love. The entrance of thy words giveth light: it giveth understanding unto the simple. Psalm 119:130 KJV When the storms of life hit us and we complain by allowing the frustrations of this life to gang up on us we remain in the shadow of darkness (the smog). In darkness we stumble around restlessly desperately looking for the way out but finding none. Yes, looking for an answer to the storm that is raging around us but receiving no clear direction. However, never panic there is a way out of any and every situation we may encounter in this life and His Name is Jesus, The Way, The Truth and The Light. The Holy Spirit was sent from God’s Throne to help you in governing the throne of your heart, so never second guess (doubt) His participation in your life. Light always will dispel darkness, there is no confusion when walking in The Light (The Light of His Word). Allow God’s Word entrance into your situation by putting His Word into your heart and then speaking His Word out of your mouth to the situations (storms) you are facing, do this faithfully and consistently until the storm is removed in Jesus Name. Just like there is an app for your mobile devices, the Holy Word of God is our app for Life. He is our ever-living, ever-loving, ever-ready Counselor and Guide. God’s Holy Word is there for the taking (eating), the Lord is waiting for you to read, meditate (eat) and speak Him out of your mouth to the storm (mountain) so the problem will dissipate in the Name of Jesus. A simple way to look at this is, “Sin always will equal death and His Light Always leads the only Way to Life, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior! Amen.